Come to this page for current news of events and news about the Dunbar Valley.  We will post any information we receive about work parties, children's days, AMD remediation progress, environmental damage alerts and so forth.

04-20-2001   The 2002 Annual Stream Improvement Day will be held Saturday, August 24.  Last year, we refurbished one of the jack-dams and did some other remediation work and cleanup.

  Hope to see a good crowd this year.  It is always a great time, with great food as well

  Meet at 08:00 at the Game Commission Building or find us somewhere along the Dirt Road..

Stream Work Day!
08-03-2002   It looks as though we will be electrofishing August 3 and 4th this year, with the 17th and 18th as a worst-case, last-resort fall back.

  In case you were not aware, on August 21st, Rob will be presenting the Glade Run Project at the 132nd Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

  Like last year, we will split the survey into two days, two sections, doing the 1km restocking section with two teams of at least three people (hopefully four), and the mouth of Glade beginning of Dunbar Creek on the other day. Please RSVP if you are interested in helping again this year. We are looking for a new young-of-the-year age class in the stocked sections, as well as hold-overs from prior years stocking and reproduction efforts and overall population estimates at the mouth of Glade Run and the head of Dunbar Creek. As far as time commitment, the upper restocking reach will take from approximately 7:00AM to no later than 3:00PM. The lower section will take from approx 7:00AM to no later than 1:00PM.

04-20-2001   In preparation for The American Violet Society's visit to the Dunbar Valley, Stepping-stones have been placed at the mouth of Limestone Run.  This will allow those of you that prefer to fish without boots, to cross Limestone Run without getting you feet wet; (At least as long as you don't fall in).  Use of this crossing will give access to the stream, as far up as the third crossing, without the need to wade across Dunbar Creek.
05-01-2001   The American Violet Society held their Spring 2001 Eastern US Field Event along the banks of Dunbar Creek and Irishtown Run.  "Searching For Violet Treasure" In The Dunbar Hills was a resounding success.  You can visit The AVS site to read a report about the event by clicking on the "Searching For Violets" Link:

  You can see the write-up of this event in the Tribune Review's Focus Magazine by following the "Woodland Wildflowers" Link:

"Searching For Violets"

"Woodland Wildflowers"

05-08-2001   The Message Board has been moved from our previous and now defunct service to Yahoo's E-Groups servers.  Visit the new board by clicking on the
"Dunbar Creek Project Message Board" Button:
Ask For Information, Leave A Stream Report, Make A Comment

  Come back again, Visit the stream, Help Keep it Clean, Send Us Your News.

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Tight Lines, Barbless Hooks And Beautiful Fish Released From Your Line

Send comments to:


Gary W. Sherwin

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