This site contains information about Dunbar Creek. Fayette County, Pennsylvania.  It currently presents various maps and images of the Dunbar Creek Watershed integrated into photographic tours of many of the streams and other areas that make up this fascinating watershed.

  Dunbar is my favorite stream. It currently has a mixed reputation due to both natural and human causes. It is my hope to build the reputation and quality of Dunbar Creek as a public resource. That will not be an easy job. Some would even say that "Battle Lines" have already been drawn in the sand between the "Elitists Fly-Fishermen" and the "Victimized Bait-Fishermen". It is my hope to improve the stream for both these camps and even to effect a joining of both camps.

  Since this site first appeared on the web several years ago, I have received two types of comments; either extremely supportive or extremely negative. The chief negative comment that I have received has been that exposure of the stream to the web, will result in its downfall due to excessive popular pressure. However, the history of the Dunbar watershed itself provides weighty evidence that secrecy does not protect our resources. In the 70s, 80s and 90s, there have been serious environmental disasters visited on this area (deforestation via clear cut, strip mining, uncontrolled runoff, chemical pollution). Since no one, willing to speak out, was around to observe and no one was around to raise a protective voice, great damage was done to the resource during these years. Now it is time to try a method with a better record of successful resource protection. Namely, Educating the public of the value of the area, so that they will not allow further abuse by unscrupulous politicians, individuals or companies. The voice of a few outdoorsmen or environmentalist is easily ignored by bureaucrats and politicians. The voice of many, speaking with a united voice will be heard!

  Two organizations have taken the lead in improving the stream,  Dunbar Sportsman's Club and the Chestnut Ridge Chapter of Trout Unlimited and previously Penn's Woods Chapter of T. U. have performed countless hours of cleanups, stream improvements, stockings, and youth days.  We should support their efforts.  I hope to add a section containing information on these two clubs in the near future.

  Current efforts to begin stream reclamation in the upper reaches the Glade Run section of the Dunbar watershed, where mineral content from old iron works and strip mines is polluting the water and causing acidity problems that limit insect activity in the stream.

  The Dunbar Creek Valley is an exceedingly beautiful place that deserves the care of all Fly, Spin, Bait and Non Fishermen. If we work together, every one will benefit from the environmental improvements that will take place.

  Please accept my apologies for the quality of the pictures in many of the sections of this site.  In particular in the Upper Dunbar Tour section suffers from low image quality. When I took the video from which these images were captured, I had not thought of the idea of using them to generate stills for this project. As a result, almost all of them are smeared with camera movement and most of them lack good photographic composition. Recently, I have acquired a digital camera, which I will use to re-do these photos as time permits..


Come back again, Visit the stream, Help Keep it Clean,

Help expand this project.

Tight Lines, Barbless Hooks And Beautiful Fish Released From Your Line

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Gary W. Sherwin

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